Crafting Texas Bourbon: An Exclusive Interview with Charlie Garrison of Garrison Brothers

October 22, 2024
Crafting Texas Bourbon:  An Exclusive Interview with Charlie Garrison of Garrison Brothers

Imagine sipping on a glass…or three…of rich, aromatic bourbon, the complexity of varying flavors dancing about on your palate.  The origins of this beautiful brownwater tracing back to what has become a mainstay on the Texas bourbon scene, Garrison Brothers Distillery located just outside of Hye, Texas.  In this exclusive interview, we sit down with the legendary Charlie Garrison of Garrison Brothers Bourbon, a name synonymous with quality and innovation in the world of whiskey.  Join us as we delve into the stories behind the barrels, the artistry of bourbon making, and the vision that drives one of the most celebrated names in bourbon. Ready to dive in?


Charlies Garrison, Whiskey Peddler

Charlie spent the first 20 years of his career in the wireless communications industry. As his career grew, his love for entrepreneurialism developed and he found himself working for smaller companies in bigger roles. In his final position in telecom, he was running the sales and marketing for a wireless carrier that had networks across the country. As his children got a little older, he decided to make a career leap and open a business in his own community. That decision led to 10+ years in the restaurant industry working alongside his wife and kids at their restaurants. When Charlie’s brother opened the first legal whiskey distillery in his home state of Texas, the writing was on the wall. He did double-duty with his restaurants and the distillery for several years and finally jumped in full time in 2013. Since 2013 Garrison Brothers Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey has expanded from Texas to all 50 states and is just getting warmed up. Charlie has been married to his wife Julie for 30 years and has two children that are smarter, kinder and better looking than he is. “Growing up our father always told my brother and I that we had better learn to work for ourselves because no one else would ever put up with us. Thank God he was right.” – Charlie Garrison


Uncorking Wisdom: An Exclusive Chat with Charlie Garrison of Garrison Brothers Bourbon


What inspired your family to start Garrison Brothers Distillery in Texas, and how does the unique Hill Country climate influence your bourbon’s flavor profile?

This was my brother Dan’s dream. He has always had huge dreams coupled with an intense pride of what being a Texan means. Being a true Texan means taking risks. It also comes with swagger. He fell in love with bourbon because of its honesty. Bourbon is called the honest spirit. Grain. Water. Brand new American oak barrels. But most importantly its time and place. He knew we had access to the greatest raw materials on the planet, along with the greatest people in the planet and a climate like nowhere else on the planet. He also had time. Here we are almost 20 years later with a truly iconic brand that we think will continue to stand the test of time. Garrison Brothers represents Texas as a place and a people. It also honors those in Kentucky that encouraged us on this road.


Can you share any unique challenges or advantages you’ve encountered while distilling bourbon in Hye, Texas, compared to other regions?

The challenges were nothing but blessings. Every single one of them is what made Garrison Brothers what it is today. Hye’s climate is intense. One year into the Texas heat can easily equate to four years of barrel penetration in the Kentucky climate. If we have barrels that are headed in a direction that our distiller doesn't like, he will know it in a year where it may take four years in Kentucky and 8 years in even colder climates.


What is your favorite part of the bourbon-making process at Garrison Brothers, and why?

The integrity behind the process. Making bourbon takes time and there is nothing you can do about it. Over the last 20 years we have seen endless companies with a marketing mindset try to cut corners. Speed aging. Repackaging others distillate. Celebrity endorsement. All of those things may work with a product that doesn't require long periods of barrel aging, but I have yet to see one work over the long haul with bourbon. The Garrison Brothers’ dream is to be an iconic brand that Texans and Americans will be proud of for generations to come.


How do you balance tradition with innovation in your bourbon-making process at Garrison Brothers?

Mother Nature does the innovating in my book. The very soul of bourbon is time and place. Once Mother Nature decides what is going to happen in those barrels then we try to highlight those things. The distillers in Kentucky were our biggest advocates when we started this dream, and I think they are proud of where we are today because we have always been true to what crafting bourbon truly is - time and place.


What role does aging play in your bourbon, and how do you decide the optimal aging period for your products?

Age (time) is the main ingredient. Longer isn't always better. Younger isn't always worse. Donnis doesn't hold barrels to age statements. The barrel will tell him when it's ready. Over the last 20 years he has learned general guidelines, but Texans have never been big on following rules and our climate isn't either. The barrels do the talking, and he is a damned good listener.


Can you describe a memorable moment or milestone in your journey with Garrison Brothers Distillery?

About 20 years ago Dan brought me out to Hye and dragged his foot through some dirt and said to me that this is going to be where the stillhouse is and on that hill, will be the first barrel barn and the cookhouse over there. It was the most ridiculous thing I had ever seen him do and there was no way I wasn't going to be a part of it. Today, the stillhouse, cookhouse and barn are exactly where he said they would be, along with a half dozen other barns 10 times bigger. Dan dreams big.


How do you engage with the local community in Hye, and what impact has Garrison Brothers had on the area? 

Our community represents exactly what Garrison Brothers aspires to be. Hard working Texans. Proud of what they do. The distillery team hosts dozens of fundraisers at the ranch and with our partners. In October, (along with the folks at III Forks Steakhouses) Garrison Brothers presented the Amarillo Area Foundation with a check for $220,000 to help the people that lost their livelihoods and belongings in the Texas Panhandle fires. We also believe deeply in veterans' causes and host events throughout the year to thank them for giving us the ability to make our bourbon.


What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own distillery, especially in Texas?

I'd tell them to learn to love the work and the process. Build something that represents who you are and what is important to you. If what is important to you is a fancy car and a big house, I would tell them to go find another line of work.


With some industry insiders suggesting that the bourbon market may have peaked, how do you see the future of bourbon, and what strategies are you employing to ensure Garrison Brothers remains relevant and successful?  

Our vision is to make better bourbon than yesterday. Every single day that is what we do that. Everything else is to provide an environment that allows us to continue to make better bourbon. We surround ourselves with brilliant people that share our vision. The business environment will always shift and change but as long as we all stay true to what matters, our goal to make better bourbon every day, everything else just becomes white noise.


Which Garrison Brothers Bourbon Is Right for You?

With almost 450 bourbons catalogued to date including the entire lineup of Garrison Brothers bourbon, Bourboneur has taken the guesswork out of finding a pour you’ll love by unpackaging complex flavor intensity data to help our users discover bourbons that fit their unique taste preferences.  Download the Bourboneur app below and take us on the go to realize unparalleled access to not only our ever growing database of flavor intensity data, but also the Bourbon Blue Book® the most accurate and up to date pricing guide for bourbon anywhere on the web with over a million searches last year, an interactive guide to help you dissect what it is that you're tasting in your dram, and the always fun "wheel of destiny" where you input your bottles and spin to let fate decide what you're drinking! The app does require a paid subscription, only $3 per month or$25 a year, which easily pays for itself!



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Bourboneur Glencairn Glass


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