Several years ago, during the height of COVID, a friend reached out and asked if I'd host a virtual bourbon tasting for a young leaders group. Free bourbon? I was in. My friend even whipped up a flier that read "Join Nick Owens, Bourboneur." Funny thing - I had never heard the term before, so I Googled it and, to my surprise, found zero results.
As the year went by, I grew frustrated with keeping tabs on the ever-changing price of bourbon which seemed to change on the daily making it tough to keep up. That's when the lightbulb went off: why not start my own business? One that could offer a better price reference than anything else out there. And just like that, Bourboneur was born.
Fast forward to today, our Bourbon Blue Book has had over a million searches in the past year. We're constantly evolving, adapting, and driving value for our users. Our mission? To be the top reference for all things brown water. Cheers to that!